What To Make Out Of Index Cards : How To Make An Origami Jumping Frog From An Index Card 10 Steps / 1 package of index cards (100 cards) roll of cellophane tape tape measure or meter stick scissors stuffed animal no other materials are allowed competition rules:
What To Make Out Of Index Cards : How To Make An Origami Jumping Frog From An Index Card 10 Steps / 1 package of index cards (100 cards) roll of cellophane tape tape measure or meter stick scissors stuffed animal no other materials are allowed competition rules: . Then have your students each select two to three cards randomly. You can print index cards from ms word easier than you think. The sturdiness of the index card makes the frog jump higher and last longer than if you make an origami jumping frog from regular paper. Use this button to review the cards online. The 10 features of good cue cards Write the name of the viewpoint character on one side of each of their notecards. Click on the arrow next to paper size and a list of available paper sizes will appear. 4.7 out of 5 stars. Ah, the lowly index card. Use this button to review the cards online. Fun With Index Cards Little Home On...